F Arab-Israel conflict and US Policy? - AMIT DHAKAR

Arab-Israel conflict and US Policy?


The Arab-Israeli conflict is a significant problem in West Asia, which originated with the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in the Arab region. Jews from Europe came and settled here slowly. Who encouraged agriculture, industry and their hard work and took control of the economic sector of the state. The Arabs protested that foreigners were beinginhabited on their homeland, while the Jews did not want to leave the Palestinian territory. Due to this, religious conflict took the form of political struggle and increased the stigma among Arabs and Jews. The struggle progressed day by day as planned. As a result, both sides resorted to struggle to fulfill their wishes and Palestine became an arena of civil war. In fact, there has been a problem for a long time, which is getting worse day by day. Intermittent peace negotiations play a role in creating a positive atmosphere, but that proves to be transitory and the problem remains the same.

                                             ARAB-ISRAEL CONFLICT: MAJOR ISSUES

Border dispute- The reason for the Arab-Israeli conflict is the border dispute. Israel is surrounded by Lebanon in the north, Syria and Jordan in the east and the Arab states of Egypt in the southwest.

The Arab state is a strong opponent of Israel and there is often unrest due to its border dispute with them. Although those states are now beginning to understand that the eradication of Israel cannot take place, they still want to keep the territory it had set up in the partition approved by the United Nations in 1947, but Israel has more territories at this time, Arab countries want to withdraw it. Because of this, Israelis often clash with neighboring Arab states.
Problem of Refugees- Atpresent, more than onemillion Arab refugees who have been evacuated from Palestine are suffering extremely pathetic asylum in neighboring states and are causing trouble in Israel and Arab states. Neither Israel wants to take them back nor the Arab state is willing to settle them in their states.
 The argument that required a separate state for the Jews, today the same argument is in favor of the Palestinians. Palestinians also need a sovereign state. In the last 49 years, even a tenth of what the Soviet Union, America, Israel and Arab countries spent on war would have been spent in permanently settling these refugee Palestinians, it would have become a problem and humanity's greater Would have benefited.
Jordan River Water Dispute- The Jordan River is only 150 ml long, yet continues to cause intense discord between Israel and the Arab nations as it passes through the four states of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan. As the conflict about its water usage increased, according to Eric Johnston's plan, it has been decided that 67% of its water should be brought to the Arab nation and 33% to Israel for its use. Israel started planning to use its waters. This led the Arab nations to fear that Israel would make itself prosperous by making the desert of the Negev green. Israel is trying to divert most of the waters of the Jordan River to its side, as a result of which it has become a major problem.
The question of the recognition of Israel - The Arab states do not accept the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. They do not recognize the state of Israel. Since the birth of Israel, Arab nations have been trying to erase its existence. Until Israel gets recognition and security, no solution can be found to this problem.
Emptying the occupied Arab territories- Israel had captured several Arab territories in various wars, such as Gazapatti and Sinaia in the west, the West Bank (Jordan River) in the east, the Golan Hills in the north, the Arab part of Jerusalem, Lebanon. South area of etc. Egypt and all other Arab nations want to take back all the territories authorized by Israel. Israel, on the other hand, wishes to annex these territories. He made Jerusalem his capital and he recently incorporated the Golan mountain region into his country. Israel believes that the Arab forces shelling from the hills, so there is no question of their return.
Palestinians issue self-determination- Palestinian refugees have long been demanding the right to self-determination. Egypt and other Arab states are ready to recognize the existence of Israel, but they want to create an independent Palestine state by joining the Jordan River (West Bank) and Gazapatti, but Israel neither wants to create an independent Palestine state. Nor is it in favor of giving the Palestinians the right to self-determination. The Israelis want to maintain their sovereignty on the banks of the Gazapatti and the Jordan River.
The problem of the removal of Israeli settlements- There are many Jewish settlements in the Arab territories occupied by Israel at this time. These settlements are located in Ghazapatti in an area called Rafia, on the route to Sharm-el-Sheikh, in the Jordan River valley, in the Igeon section, near Jerusalem, and on the Golan hills. These settlements are contrary to international law. Israel wants to give rise to the logic of 'reality' by settling Jewish settlements. The status of Arabs in these occupied territories is pathetic, on their own soil they are living like a foreigner.
Israel's policy of favors- The United States has had a special political relationship with Israel (since May 14, 1949). Whenever the crisis hit Israel in West Asia, the US crisis came in the form of redemption. The following example is notable in this regard - In the Arab-Israeli War of 1998–1949, the US provided Israel with aid from the scriptures. In 1973, Arab nations used oil weapons against Israel, then the US opened the Suez Canal through diplomacy in favor of Israel, in September 1975 an internal agreement was reached between Egypt and Israel. In 1978, the Camp David agreement was signed between Mishra-Israel. The political settlement between Palestinian-Israelis on September 13, 1993 was a byproduct of American diplomacy in which the two recognized each other. This was followed by the Cairo Agreement in May 1994, in which Palestine's self-government was established on the Gaza Strip and the Jereco Canal. But in May 1996, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to accept the principle of "land for peace" and refused to consider East Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Palestine and refused to return to Syria and the Golan hills. As a result, crisis arose in peace negotiations. Today it is well known that instead of following the agreement made with the Arab nations in the past, Israel has engaged them but the US did not pressurize them to do so. Not only this, Israel continued to establish Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory without any fear or hesitation. But America remained the face. At the same time, whenever the world tried to organize and discipline Israel and the resolution standing in the Security Council against it came to pass, the US vetoed that resolution and did not allow it to pass and thus gave protection to Israel. Kept doing The extent is reached when Israel's retaliation against Palestine is backed by Israel's action saying that it has the right to take such steps for its own self-defense?
It is a fact that the United States has given $ 100 billion in aid to Israel as a gift. Similarly, the US has not only provided Israel with the latest weapons, but has also allowed them to be used arbitrarily. Usually he does not do this with other countries. When the United States, which is concerned about the use of nuclear weapons in the world, has neither made a nuclear weapon nor used any economic arrangements on Israel.
The question that can be asked here is what is the reason for this special Israeli love of America? The following two reasons can be given for this-
1. From the founding of Israel in the last year of the 1940s to the 1990s, Israel was valued as an anti-communist military outpost to stop communism efforts in West Asia, due to which the US provided military and financial support to it.
2. There is a strong Jewish lobby in America, which has a profound influence on the domestic political and economy of America, so no matter the government, the policy of supporting Israel is adopted. America's policy in West Asia has been based on double standards. America's foreign policy, despite all its pretenses, is not driven by the principles of justice and humanity, but by its narrow vested interests. Iraq is not following the United Nations resolution. And its approach is of non-cooperation, so it emphasizes the drastic military action against it, but in this region of West Asia, Israel has occupied the land of Arab countries, the story is openly defying The UN resolutions to vacate it. The US provides him protection. The production of lethal weapons is a crime for Iraq, but making those weapons and buying them from the US and using them on the innocent Arabs knows that the molecular countries are justified for Israel. Despite its great crimes, Israel is the star of America's eye, and despite being guilty of the brutality of that north and the violation of international law, Iraq is a grim eye.
In fact, now the reality of the double standards of US foreign policy in relation to West Asia has come to the world and it has to respect the opposition. Recently (24 June 2002 )America's Arafat Hatao campaign has been rejected by the world.                                                                       

                                                                    Lasting Peace  

Till now, efforts have been made to break the Arab-Israeli conflict through various peace negotiations. But in the absence of fulfillment of the interests of both the parties, the results did not come before satisfactory and permanent nature. The problem remains as it is, in which the terrorists and fundamentalists of both the sides have contributed to the damage to their lives by destroying each other. In fact, from 1948 till the present time, the problem has become multi-faceted and multi-faceted. The problem was so entangled with each other that it would be effective to sort out the formulas as follows to solve each one.
Solution to the Refugee Problem- At the time of the founding of Israel in 1948 and the result of the five wars between the Arabs and Israel, arrangements should be made to permanently reside for the nomadic people who left their homeland. Until these refugees are resettled, a basis for lasting peace cannot be laid. It is a harsh truth that the need can force a human being to do bad things. These refugees are taken advantage of by the countries concerned to serve their interests. Those who carry out disruptive activities deteriorate law and order. The result promotes unrest and mistrust and entangles the problem rather than solving it. Therefore, a solution to the problem of refugees must be found to establish a permanent peace in place of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Evacuation of Arab Areas Occupied by Israel- One of the grounds for establishing a permanent peace between Arabs and Israel may be to return the lands it has occupied through war with its neighboring nations to the respective countries. needed. When Israel does not evacuate these areas, Arab nations will not believe in it and peace will not be possible. As Machiavelli observes, "a person can forgive his father's murderer but never forget the stealer of the property." The same situation is with respect to Israel of Arab nations. Israel must take this initiative to establish lasting peace.
Israel's Recognition and Guarantee of Security- Israel was established in the year 1948. Even after years have passed, barring some countries of the world, other countries are not giving Israel the status of a universally independent country. The Arab countries in particular have not recognized it. Similarly, Israel gained socially significant places through various wars and conflicts. If those areas are also evacuated by taking a one-sided initiative, then who will guarantee his future security. In fact, by giving recognition to Israel and assuring him of the guarantee of security, the basis of lasting peace can be laid. It is notable here that Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries from all around. The Muslim country is famous for its fanaticism and its anti-colonial policy. Israel fears this Islamic fundamentalism that needs to be eradicated.

Establishment of an independent Palestinian nation- At present, the state of Palestine does not have the status of an independent and universal state. Therefore, in order to establish a permanent peace between Arab-Israel, it is necessary that an independent Palestinian nation be established and it should be given the right of self-determination to determine its affairs. He needs UNO to communicate with the world community, to speak about it. Membership should be provided, so that it generates a sense of self-reliance, self-respect. He was able to establish diplomatic relations directly with Israel and other countries. In fact, Palestinians can forget the issue of self-determination and form the basis of permanent peace.
The question of the settlements reported by Israel- Israel has settled Jewish settlements on the earth, taken away from the Arab nations. Such as Gaza's ruffia, Sharm-Al-Sheikh's way, the region of the Jordan River, the Golan hills, the area around Jerusalem, etc., Jewish settlements have been established in places like Israel. On evacuating these settlements, it is possible to form the basis of permanent peace. On its emptying, an atmosphere of trust can be created with Arab countries. Which can be considered an important step towards disarming the path of peace.
Control of terrorist and disruptive elements- For the establishment of permanent peace between Arabia and Israel, it is necessary that from time to time, terrorist and disruptive elements on both sides take such actions which disrupt peace negotiations. Today, refugees and economic aid to Palestinian terrorist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah militant organizations, Islamic Jihad organizations) should be abolished. This kind of cooperation is being given especially by the Islamic countries which should be stopped through international pressure.
Similarly, the control of the South Linguists of Israel's Likud Party is also necessary. From time to time the policy of bigotry is followed by its cadres. Which spoils the thing made. In fact, in the context of the establishment of lasting peace, it is necessary that the terrorist and disruptive elements of both sides must be controlled.
Prohibition of intervention of big powers- Dialogue should be used by both sides to solve the Arab-Israeli problem. Large powers should be prevented from interfering. Because they will bargain with both sides to fulfill their interests and will not take special interest in solving the problem. They do not suffer any loss due to the problem, so they will use both of them as pieces. In fact, one of the grounds for establishing lasting peace may be that both of them try to solve the problem through mutual negotiation, protecting themselves from the intervention of larger powers.

The present time, relations between Israle and Palestion- In the present time also, relations between Israel ans Palestion have not been corrected but have deteriorated further. this was marked by protests and riots, police riot control, rocket attacks on Israel by HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Israeli airstrikes targeting the Gaza Strip.

The crisis began on 6 May, when Palestinians began protests in East Jerusalem over an anticipated decision by the Israeli Supreme Court over the eviction of six Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah. On May 7, Palestinians hurled stoones at Israeli police forces, who then attacked the compound of al-Aqsa Mosque, using tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades. HAMAS fired 137 rockets, describing it as the biggest attack on Israel, of which more then half of the rockets feel before reaching Gaza, the reason being attributed to the lowest quality and the remaining rockets being defended by the israeli Defense System Iron Road Finishe in the air. By reversing it, Israel came down strongly.
Israel destroyed several HAMAS Terrorist groups, tunnel, and rocket launchers built in congested areas. And the buliding of Al-Jazeera was also and other conuntries also belived that it helps terrorist ot organizations like HAMAS.

Given the, the president of America "Joe Biden". But due to this war going on for a long time, keeping the world peace in mind, he got a peace-agreement on the border.
The outbreak of violence in the Israeli-Palistinian conflict began on 10 May 2021 and continued until the ceasefire came into force on 21 May 2021.
720 People were lilled in this war, in which Soumya Santosh, a 30-year's-old Indian woman, also die on 12 May 2021. she has a nine-year's-old son and belongs to Laddukki, Kerala. She was a caring professional who cared for an old woman in house in the southern Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon. On this subject, Israeli Prime Minister "Benjamin Netanyahu" granted honorary citizenship to Soumya Santosh.

Israel and India Relations- Israel and India have Strong ties. Israel helped India at a time when the US had banned India and helped India by going agaimst the whole world As Today stand with Israel in the Time of this crisis. The laser-guided bomb(LGB) used by Israel in Kargil in 1971 was of Israel itself. As a result of which India could conquer heights like Tiger Hill, Spice-2000 Bomb was also used in Balakot Air Strike, they were also form Israel. Israel supports India somewere outside the United Nations. Israel believes in India whit its eays closed.

It is clear from the study of the appropriate grounds that permanent peace in West Asia cannot be imagined until these clans are settled honestly by both sides. Talks are just pretense, dishonest, they will not benefit the suffering people of that area. Both sides have to recognize the demand of the times. One has to listen to the voice of the suffering humanity and finally find a solution to the problem, so why so long to solve the situation? When and how will the Arab-Israeli problem finally be resolved, it is in the womb of the future.