F The Kargil War Pakisthan wild war passion - AMIT DHAKAR

The Kargil War Pakisthan wild war passion


On 26 July 1999, the Indian Army had won the victory over Kargil, but why was there a Kargil war, after all, why did Pakistan need it, what was the disgrace that Pakistan was feeling. I was silent inside me, what is such a thing, he wanted to take revenge of the check from India, this was in 1971 when Bangladesh was created, even after that Pakistan felt its disgrace in 1984, after that the Indian Army came to know That Siachen started sending foreign mountaineers by giving visas to the border, at that time there was no moment of any country in Siachen, neither India nor Pakistan, but this border was definitely of India, after that India came to know that Pakistan What is the intention of Pakistan wanted to grab Siachen, before the Pakistani army could do anything, the Indian Army was alerted, the Indian Army sent its soldiers and hoisted the Indian tricolor on Siachen, Pakistan tried a lot to make Siachen its own People sent there killed their soldiers but they could not grab it from India Or you must have heard the name of Bala Post, whose name was earlier Quaid (Quaid Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah) Post.

Whose about 20000-21000 sweets were delivered, which is standing straight at an angle of 90 degrees, the Indian Army climbed it and crossed it too The humiliation of 1971 and the humiliation of Siachen and then the Pakistanis repelled the counter attack on Siachen, the Indian Army and Pakistan became enraged after seeing all this Pakistani officers came out with a plan, especially as the biggest problem was Benazir Bhutto was there and he gave this plan to his army chief that we should climb Kargil National Highway Alpha One, the way which comes towards Kargil, if we cut it, then Siachen will be isolated and the soldiers there will die of hunger and thirst. After this it will be easy for us to dominate there, at that time Parvesh Musharraf was the rigadier and went on to become the Army Chief and the Prime Minister of Pakistan was Nawaz Sharif. In Pakistan, the Army Chief is given the status of God, cannot say that he gave this to his Prime Minister. Was he told about the Kargil attack or not? He ran Kargil but it was a kind of betrayal against India because after the 1971 war it was an agreement between India and Pakistan that in October-November when the snow starts falling, then the temperature there is in minus degree and there There is no use of keeping the poster, so both the armies will come down from there and when the snow starts melting in March-April, then both the armies will climb up again. The poison was happening every year after 1971 but in 1999 It did not happen that the Indian army came down but the Pakistani army Pakistani send some people down so that India feels that Pakistan is going completely from here, some people were there and then slowly again some people are uplifted and Pakistan has high equipment and optic equipment, low Bought the temperature acutment and offered his people to Kargil. When he got his people released in Kargil, there were two Bakarwals, a caste who live in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Those people saw that some Pakistani people are roaming there. He also saw some cigarette packets which had Pakistani marking, those people told the Indian Army that there is a danger here, maybe there are some Pakistani people, but then the Indian Army patrolled there, after that it came to know that Pakistan's infiltration is Holi. And they had to find an area in which Pakistani infiltration is also there, the name of that place was Bajrang Post, after this the Indian Army sent a unit named "Four Jatt", an officer and many soldiers in it when this unit reached Bajrang Dal. Pakistanis opened fire then both sides Firing took place, after which the bullets of the Indian Army ended and the Pakistanis surrounded them from all sides, they made them prisoners of war, after building the temple, they were tortured continuously for 20-21 days, their fingers were cut off, His skin was cut. They broke their eyes and put hot iron plated in their ears and broke their eardrums and took out their nails, then cut them into small pieces and stuffed them in polythene and then put them in sacks and sent them to the Indian Army. jatt This agreement was made with an officer and 5 other ranks, the name of that captain was Captain Saurabh Kalia Indian Army saw this condition of its captain and jawans. It was like the army could not tolerate that first bloodshed. The battle of Kargil started from here in Kargil. On June 6, the Indian Army blew the conch shell of the war. There are different peaks in Kargil like Tolo Ling Tololing hill, Toger hill, Khalubarhill, Balck rock hill .etc All this is remembered by the children of India on their tongue, there is no one who has not heard about the war of Kargil, all this is seen in Indian television, movies and web series Captain Manoj Pandey, Captain Vikram Batra, Yogendra Singh Yadav, rifleman sanjay kumar .etc got Param Chakra Take

Indian Army considers altitude above 9000 ft as high altitude There is also difficulty in breathing at that height, but the question is, how is the fight fought at such a height, in this area, even after walking four steps far away, breathlessness starts and the battle of Kargil took place at about 17000 ft. Fighting on such a beating and fighting at -20 °C to -30°C was very difficult, at what temperature the human blood freezes, fighting in this position was extremely dangerous for the Indian army, this fight was sometimes with stone or sometimes In this war fought with weapons, Gurkhas, Marathas, Jats, Sikhs, Grenadiers all participated enthusiastically. In this battle, Indians came to know about a cannon which had become famous by some other name at some point of time, the name of that gun was 155mm bofors gun, bofors would fire from our side and there would be tremendous pressure on Pakistan's side and then our There are stories of many heroes of Kargil war attacking the infantry. One of which is the story of Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse, he was 24 years old from the 2nd Battalion Rajputana Rifles, he had the order that you go to Black Rock Top and capture the altitude 16000 ft and the temperature -15°C -20°C whenever the officer was above Climbing on the side, it would slip down immediately because the shoes were not able to hold on to the stones, he would repeatedly climb up and then slip down and come down, this cycle went on again and again, after this the lion heart took the shoes- Taking off the socks and climbing barefoot, this lion attacked the Pakistanis and the brother fought till he was with the name of the country, this country's beloved resident of Nagaland who was a teacher with a penny

So tremendous India made a counter attack on Pakistan that Nawaz Sharif went to America to stop the Indian Army near Bill Clinton and when the Indian Army stopped, the Indian Air Force played a tremendous role and threw laser-guided bombs which gave us Israel Where the Pakistanis were posted, the white snow turned black due to gunpowder and then on July 26, Pakistan surrendered, after which the whole world put Pakistan in the dock and it is still suffering the consequences.

In July 26,1999, India conquered Kargil and hoisted the tricolor flag. After losing the Kargil war, Pakistan began to be isolated, fingers were pointed at Pakistan, and Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif denied the decision to fight the war, saying that he had nothing to do with it. Did not know that Pakistan's Army Chief Pervez Musharraf said that he knew everything, seeing this, Nawaz Sharif's government fell, but Pakistan's army had to face it, Pakistan's army does not respect even in enmity because Pakistan has done Kargil. Even the people sent in I did not believe that he was a resident of Pakistan, he avoided saying that this is the freedom fighter Mujahidin of Kashmir, he did not even take the dad body of his soldiers, he was trapped in some way, he could not consider them as his man Because if he had called them his people, he would have been trapped and he was trapped in the end but then later it came to know that he was a Pakistani soldier, Pakistanis did not give respect to their soldiers and left them on the mountains because Pakistan knew that if he If he accepts, then the world will put him in a dock, which the world has also done, at that time it happened that the Indian Army buried hundreds of thousands of Pakistani army and Namaz-e-Janaza was recited on them because Indian Army It is believed that there is enmity with the enemy as long as it comes in his body, it is something of the Indian army, there is a lot of difference in the thinking of Pakistan and Indian army, we get to hear somewhere that the soldier of the Indian army has been martyred. And Pakistan's army takes away his head by beheading it, seeing that there is a lot of difference between the two armies, later when the Pakistani came to his senses, he accepted some dead bodies, even today the body of Pakistan's army is buried in Kargil.

A Pakistan Army soldier became a brave boy on the Indian Army, the officer kept fighting and died fighting, when his dead body came, then it was found that it is the opportunity of Pakistan Army Brigadier M.P.S. of India. Bajwa wrote a letter to the Pakistanis and wrote in the letter that the battle fought by Karnal Sher Khan is commendable and honorable and we respect his bravery, this occasion should be given an award, then Pakistanis got this letter, then they realized It happened that his colonel fought with some bravery, then Pakistan got the highest bravery award for that soldier, in today's date, the name of the village, which is named after him, these are the stories that we need to hear. There is a need to know and need to be told to others, this is the bravery saga of the Indian Army who played the enmity till the heart was beating in the enemy's chest and after death also gave them the goods His body was buried with respect.