F Importance of Environment Protection and Earth Summit or Rio Declaration - AMIT DHAKAR

Importance of Environment Protection and Earth Summit or Rio Declaration

 Population explosion, increase in urbanization and unexpected spread of science and technology are the fundamental reasons due to which the environment is being harmed. The economic development that developed countries are enjoying today was achieved in the past without taking into account the protection of the human environment. Environmental problems in most parts of the world are still related to poverty. These problems can be solved only by such development in which the environment is taken care of intelligently. This requires international cooperation on a very large scale. The biggest challenge is that development should be done in such a way that the basic needs (starting with eradication of poverty) are met and there is no harm to the environment. The environment is different. Therefore, one solution will not be suitable for all locations. It would be unfair to say that the general principles and rules of international law are of no use to the problem of pollution and harm to the environment. For example, under international law, one of the limits of a state's activities is that it should not cause damage to the territory of other states. Similarly, it is also a rule that they should not cause any damage on the territory of other states. That no State should allow such use of its territory. thereby harming the interests of other states. It is clear from these principles that it is the duty of every state under international law not to do anything in its territory that causes environmental damage outside that area.

International Cooperation for the Control and Protection of the Environment The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, before Stockholm, had attempted to tear down the international currents of environmental protection. For example, Article 9 of the Brahmo Space Treaty, Brahm 1967, provides that the parties to the Treaty shall conduct a Brahma space study in order to avoid adverse environmental changes on Earth of objects sent into space. Similarly, in the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972, Article 1 has the individual and collective responsibility of the State Parties. That they shall endeavor to promote effective control over all sources of pollution of the collective environment and to prevent pollution caused by the accumulation of garbage and other materials in the sea.
(A) Treaty of Prohibition of Tests of Nuclear Weapons, 1963
(B) Latin America Treaty of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
(C) Treaty of Non-Trying of Nuclear Weapons, 1968
(D) Treaty for the Prohibition of the Placement of Nuclear Weapons on the Seabed, 1971
(E) Brussels Now, 1969 on Intervention by Damage Caused by Open Sea Floor Oil Pollution
(F) Civil Liability for Damage from Oil Pollution Concerning Brussels Now Time, 1969.

Earth summit or UN Conference on environment and development, 1962 Earth Summit or United Nations Conference on Environment and Development on 3 June in Reiode Janeiro, capital of Brazil was started in 1992. The Earth Summit itself was the most prolific and the largest in the history of international law and international relations. It was attended by 182 countries and more than 20,000 delegates. 160 heads of state and heads of governments participated in the plenary session. Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, has called the conference the Parliament of the Planet. According to environmental experts, this was the last chance to save our beloved planet Earth. The success of the conference depended on the harmony of the interests of the countries of the North and the South. Secretary- General Maurice Strong has rightly argued that if we fail at the Rio Summit, it will be the greatest success in international relations, especially in relation to the North and the South. Undoubtedly this is our last chance.
Earth is our only planet and its fate is in our hands. Mankind is doing the plight of its only planet. About 50,000 species are becoming extinct every year. 17 million hectares of forest which are some area approximately to Saudi Arabia. disappear every year. About 65 lakh tonnes of garbage is reaching the sea every year. 8.2 million tons of carbon dioxide is released every year to pollute the cover, suffocating seabirds and forcing fish to live in toxic waters. Even more alarming situation is that the world population is increasing by 10 crore every year. Before the Earth Summit, the Human Environment and United Nations Conference was held in Stockholm in 1962. In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway, appointed a commission to examine the world's experimentation status and review developments beyond 2000. In the report of the commission, titled "Our Good Future", it was emphasized that if we adopt Unsustainable Development, then the human future will be in danger. After that, a special conference should be called for the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to save the future of mankind on earth from environmental damage. Preparations for the Earth Summit in Brazil took more than 2 years. Awareness was increasing in the world and a general concern was increasing due to the deteriorating condition of the environment in the world. Undoubtedly, the main reason for the loss of the environment is low consumption in industrialized countries, but from the point of view of the environment, not only the former but the inhabitants of the planet Earth are one. Therefore, the consequences of environmental damage fall on 80% of the people of the world who live in developing countries, so before the Rio conference there were important questions like warming of the earth, depletion of ozone layer, loss of climate change, climate change, biodiversity and management of forests.
The main principles of the Earth Charter and or Rio Coalition Rio Declaration This Earth Charter is a balanced document, the Rio Declaration has 27 principles which are related to all the countries of the world community and in which honorable general rights and obligations for environmental protection are mentioned.
At the center of the concern for the commendable or declaring development is man. He deserves a healthy, healthy and fertile life in a society of progress.
According to the principles of the United Nations Charter international law, the state has a sovereign right to exploit its resources in accordance with its environment and policies, and it is its responsibility to act under the control of its jurisdiction by other state or national authorities.
The right to development should be fulfilled in such a way that the needs of present and future generations are generally fulfilled.
Environmental protection is an integral part of the development process for achieving sustainable development and cannot be considered separately.
All states and all people will cooperate in the work of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement of sustainable development.
The special situation and needs of the developing countries and especially the less developed and less developed and international action in the field of environment and development shall take into account the interests and needs of all the States.
States shall cooperate in the spirit of global partnership to preserve, protect, and maintain the health and integrity of the Earth's environmental systems. States have respectful but differing responsibilities, taking into account their various contributions to global environmental damage. Developed countries recognize that they have international responsibility as a result of having control over technical and financial resources aimed at achieving sustainable development.
In order to achieve sustainable development and a high standard of living for all people, states should reduce and eliminate unsustainable uses of production and consumption and encourage the above population policies.
Indigenous capacity should be increased through sharing of scientific and technical knowledge for sustainable development.
Environmental issues should be resolved at the appropriate level by involving all concerned citizens. At the national level, every citizen should have access to environmental information available with the public functionaries. States will provide information through public awareness and participation. Provide judicial and administrative remedies to the people.
States shall make environmental laws, environmental linings etc.
States should cooperate for an open international economic system, which leads to economic development and sustainable development in all countries, so that the problem of environmental damage can be solved.
States shall develop a national law for liability and compensation for the victims of pollution and the environment. shall cooperate with the State for the development of international law with a speedy and certainty for compensation for liability for environmental damage or adverse effects arising from activities carried out by the States in the area of their jurisdiction and throughout the areas of national jurisdiction.
States shall co-operate effectively in encouraging or preventing the transfer to other States of activities or substances that may cause environmental damage or are found to be injurious to human health.
A policy of caution will be widely adopted by the states according to their capacity for environmental protection. There is a risk of serious or irreversible damage. The lack of complete scientific certainty will not lead to preventable environmental damage.
National authorities should promote the internationalization of environmental costs and economic instruments, taking into account that in principle the polluter must bear the cost of pollution and not adversely affect the public interest and international trade and investment in this regard.
The environmental impact assessment of the proposed activities which are likely to have an adverse impact on the environment or are a study of the decision of the competent national authority, shall be carried out at the national level.
The State shall inform such States of any natural destruction or catastrophic conditions which may have an effect on the environment of other States. Such States shall make every effort to assist the affected States such as the international community.
Prior and collective social information shall be sent to the States which have had adverse environmental impacts on the borders of other States.
In addition to the above achievements, it was agreed at the Earth Summit that a United Nations body would be established to review and review the progress of the treaties and decisions taken in the conference. It is also worth mentioning here that due to non-signature of the Treaty on Biodiversity, America's position was skewed and it was isolated. Therefore, in order to restore America's prestige, US President George Bush proposed on June 13, 1992 that another conference should be convened later to fulfill the purpose of the Earth Summit. Perhaps encouraged by this proposal, the Secretary- General of the Earth Summit, Maurice Strong, announced that the summit would be convened within two years, to determine the responsibility of countries for decisions taken at the Earth Summit.