F YOGA is a way to calm the mind - AMIT DHAKAR

YOGA is a way to calm the mind


The history of yoga in ancient India is likely to have developed into a systematic study around the 5th and 6th BCE. The practice of yoga is believed to be from pre-Vedic Indian traditions, with historians believing that the history of yoga probably dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 BCE.

There is no definite consensus on the origin of the program of Visipta Yoga in ancient India. Suja Gaya Samay Yoga originated in the Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1900). The Pashupati seal found in the Indus Valley Civilization depicts a figure in positions similar to the Moolabandha asana, an asana used for meditation. Yoga dates back to the pre-Vedic period of India (1500-500). The practice of yoga is believed to be from pre-Vedic Indian traditions. Yoga is also mentioned in Rigveda Yoga is mentioned in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism Yoga is mainly divided into four parts: Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Shakti Yoga and Dhyana Yoga.

India has not confined yoga to itself but has divided it into the whole world. At present, in this epidemic of coronavirus, man is suffering from mental stress. There are two sides of looking at every event. The problems arising out of Corona are very painful for us. If seen, nature is smiling at this time, so how to convert this pain into inspiration. So that both the entire humanity and the earth can remain happy. There is fear, pain and negative thoughts arising from Corona. To overcome this, inner peace is needed first of all, inner healing is needed. Yoga, meditation and music are such powerful tools through which one gets mental peace and strength. A pleasant memory is acquired, we feel energetic, positive thoughts are transmitted to our brain, this has a positive effect on physical, mental and spiritual health. At this time, do the opposite of breathing, along with the opposite of thoughts, try to put negative thoughts outside and positive thoughts inside, there are also such pranayama which give us energy. But this pranayama will give us more energy because it is the pranayama of thoughts. Thought management, tongue management and time management are also very important to take care of. Just as a diet plan is needed to maintain physical balance, in the same way, thought planning is also necessary for mental health, these thoughts are the manager, diet plan is our tongue manager. Because it is said that like mind, like thoughts, so world. So come and engage your mind in Padmasana that means calm down, keep your body in Vajrasana, that is, become strong and do Surya Namaskar to your brain, that is, make yourself bright, do yoga with your lips, laugh and laugh because when we are sad. Then if you fall from negative thoughts, then life starts moving towards despair and despair. And when we are happy then we think positively life also starts smiling. The balance of hormones is maintained in the body. But when we make someone else happy, our life increases with joy, the mind becomes calm and inner peace is attained. Due to which problems are also found in solutions. Therefore, it is very important to develop thoughts along with physical exercise. Just as we drink filter water, in the same way, take filtered thoughts in the same way, this will bring positivity in life and collecting information is one thing. Keeping ourselves up-to-date is a good thing, but it is also very important to stay away from the thoughts that distract us. Keep yourself positive from mind and make others positive too.